Corporate Marketing Can Learn from History (Museums)

The art of storytelling is an essential tool for engaging and informing audiences, whether they be exploring the galleries of a museum or the aisle at a corporate trade show.  At a glance, audiences may seem quite different in these two contexts, but upon closer examination, the similarities are clear.

Same Audience: Same Storytelling

In museums and cultural organizations, storytelling is used to bring history and artifacts to life, making them more engaging and relatable to visitors. Through the use of interactive exhibits, multimedia displays, and experiential installations, museums are able to transport visitors to times, places end events they could not experience otherwise. Similarly, corporate storytelling is used to engage customers and communicate products, company values and missions in clear, concise and memorable ways. The goals are the same, and so can be the techniques to achieve them.

An Unsurprising Connection

One of the key similarities is the use of emotion to connect with the audience. Museum visitors are often moved by the artifacts and stories on display, and they leave with a deeper understanding of the subject matter. In the same way, businesses use storytelling to create an emotional connection with their customers. One example is that of the relatable situations, such as the customer problem that our XYZ product solves.

When people experience an emotional connection to a brand or product, they are more likely to remember it, engage with it, and ultimately make a purchase. Even a subtle emotional connection can have a big impact on how people perceive and interpret information, making them more likely to pay attention to and remember the message.

Enhancing Storytelling Experiences

Interactive media and experiences can evoke an emotional connection to the subject matter, making the content more memorable and impactful. Both museums and businesses utilize various forms of media to enhance their storytelling efforts, from videos and interactive displays to holograms and soundscapes. Active media presentations keep audience engaged and help convey the information in an easily digestible format.

The similarities between storytelling in cultural organizations and in business marketing are undeniable. Both  use narrative to engage and educate an audiences in unique ways. At Exhibitry, we understand the power of storytelling in both industries, and we have the experience to help organizations create powerful and engaging experiences for their audiences. Contact us to learn more about how we might help bring your story to life.


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Transforming Museum Exhibits - Bringing History to Life