Intangible Products Become Tangible via AR


"The AR activation that truly dazzled attendees was the Transforming Healthcare pod, which presented a deceptively simple operating room of the future centered around an empty OR table on a low dais.

Following the introduction, a holographic patient appeared on the table with a surgeon beside him, and attendees were thrust into the middle of an emergency heart surgery, during which they could rotate and dissect a voluminous 3-D heart. As the surgery came to a close, multiple video screens appeared above the patient depicting several worried people accessing mobile devices in locations ranging from the waiting room to the street.

A closeup of one screen indicated "surgery complete," and relief registered across the concerned faces. Like the other AR experiences, the activation ended with a representation of the scenario's interconnected technologies."

Exhibitor Magazine - February 2019


Augmented Reality Story Time


Now Presenting ... HoloPresenter