Now Presenting ... HoloPresenter

HoloPresenter from Exhibitry

"HoloPresenter from Exhibitry uses cutting-edge yet budget-friendly hardware and software to add augmented-reality elements to live presentations in exhibits, conference rooms, and theaters. A wireless, AR-enabled video camera placed in front of the presentation area maps the space and streams its footage to proprietary software. On command, this software can "place" a predesigned AR object anywhere in the video camera's field of vision, say, directly in front of the presenter or at one side of the stage. The AR-enhanced scene is then projected in real time onto a projection surface at the back of the presentation space. Using a handheld controller, the presenter can manipulate the AR object, e.g., turn it in multiple directions, zoom in on key components, etc., giving the audience an experience that transcends even the most elaborate PowerPoint slideshow."

Exhibitor Magazine - January 2019


Intangible Products Become Tangible via AR


Touch Anything Exhibit