Exhibitry Announces TouchFree 2020 And TouchFree 2020 Retrofit


Exhibitry, the Houston based tech company, is excited to announce the launch of TouchFree™ 2020 and TouchFree™ 2020 Retrofit non-contact interface devices. 

TouchFree 2020 and TouchFree 2020 Retrofit are Exhibitry exclusives. They bring non-contact interaction to new and existing interactive experiences. Customers no longer have to physically touch a surface in order to experience your content. 

The uses are endless for an interactive interface that requires no physical contact. Customers appreciate the hygiene aspect as much as they love the Minority Report-like experience. 

Exhibitry provides a turnkey service to retrofit existing interactive experiences and touchscreen-based kiosks with TouchFree 2020 Retrofit. They provide the hardware, software, integration, and any user experience (UX) adaptations required to create a fully integrated touchless solution. 

“TouchFree 2020 is a hygienic alternative to public touchscreens, and it couldn’t come at a more appropriate time. We combine the most powerful gesture technology in the world with amazing visual feedback to create amid-air virtual touch experience. Additionally, the ability to retrofit existing touchscreen-based kiosks lowers the cost of upgrading current installations and systems.”, Exhibitry Founder and President, Tracy Evans shared. 

You can learn more about TouchFree 2020 and TouchFree 2020 Retrofit by visiting www.Exhibitry.com/touchfree


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