Gamified Learning: Industry Insights and Innovations

Modern Models for Storytelling

Dive into our “Gamified Learning Case Studies” and see how Exhibitry is turning education into an adventure. This report highlights how we blend a variety of mediums and technologies to make learning immersive and fun across museums, educational centers, and corporate settings.

From a Zero-Gravity Game at the Kennedy Space Center to the Eco-Friendly EV Racing Simulator, we’re pushing the boundaries of educational experiences. Each case study shows off our tech-savvy approach to engaging learners of all ages.

Ready to transform the way you think about education? Download the report and get inspired!

Our innovations include SkyBox, which merges physical topographic maps with digital interactivity for an immersive learning experience. We also create transformative holographic displays, like the virtual Kennedy Space Center exhibit, taking viewers on an engaging journey through space history. Designed to clarify complex concepts, these interactive dioramas enhance storytelling in diverse environments, from museums to corporate visitor centers.

Download the Report

For a deeper look into our projects and techniques, download the report, which provides a detailed overview of our approach to creating these engaging experiences.


Interactive Dioramas: Industry Insights and Innovations


Transparent Storytelling with SkyBox